Globalization and digitization have changed the world’s economy, and now they are changing health.
The biotech and pharma markets make and sell the therapies we use to rejuvenate and repair our bodies. As our technology changes, so does our health, and the potential for human health has never been greater.
So how do we communicate novel therapeutics to life sciences professionals? The exploding discipline of Medical Communications — or more colloquially, Med Comms.
The Global Biosciences Market
Medical Communications agencies help biotech and pharma clients to explain novel advances. This means the challenging task of targeting messages to reach educated, professional audiences — a demographic that uses niche terminology, are oversaturated with pitches, and often skeptical about marketing materials.
However, some advances really do deserve air time. Here are three contemporary examples of breaking biotech news we’re excited about:
Precision medicine: The human genome, sequenced in 2003 has become affordable to sequence, opening a new era of precision medicine accessible to all.
Handheld diagnostics: The $10 million Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE competition was designed to simulate the diagnostic capacities of the Star Trek tricorder. The winning device ushers in a new era of distributed access to medical diagnostics in low-resource settings.
Tissue engineering: Advances in implantable tissues herald an era of novel products aimed at replacing organs and tissues previously thought irreplaceable in the course of natural aging.
We believe Med Comms agencies fill a vital role in the life sciences, by communicating these advances and the impact they have on human health. They deserve high-end client management teams and fast-paced scientific writers with technical acumen who can get the job done.
So how do they staff this talent?
The challenge for Medical Communications agencies
Med Comms recruiting has become increasingly competitive with escalating resources devoted to talent searches and rising salary bands.
Top talent in the life sciences must be credentialed which means dedicated, educated, and hard-working. Biology is a complex, non-linear topic. Studying biology requires precision and discipline, but also a willingness to confront natural variation and the unknown. Once mastered these principles need to be translated to the pragmatism of real-world biotech markets. And seamless translation between idealistic laboratory science and corporate bottom lines has always been difficult. Last but not least, the ideal candidates are also visionary, creating and describing a future that has never truly existed outside of sci-fi.
In 2019 we have an increasingly unified scientific language, and globally improving access to advanced education. This means talent can be recruited across a wider range of socioeconomic spheres. Consequently, the ability to rapidly and accurately surface top talent from this pool has never been more valuable.
What does this mean for recruitment?
Employers are going above and beyond to create environments conducive to attracting and fostering top-talent. Seamless internal collaboration creates a positive feedback loop enhancing employee engagement, project success, and profit.
A good medical communications recruiter can give your team a competitive edge in this market.
Operating as part of the Phaidon International group, EPM Scientific is a specialist staffing agency, wholly focused on permanent & freelance recruitment within the life sciences sector.
We place a heavy emphasis on quality and our recruitment staff are specialists with an in-depth understanding of the market. We work with teams focusing on specific verticals across the life sciences to provide candidates with unique competencies. We are designed to enhance recruitment services in complex scientific markets, and this includes network of recruitment consultants who specialize in Med Comms.
Attracting top Med Comms talent in 2019 takes skill and timing. If you’re a medical communications professional looking to add to your team, or looking for a change yourself, I’m happy to provide assistance. Please feel free to reach out directly at
EPM Scientific is a leading specialist recruitment agency for the Life Sciences industry. We were founded in 2012 to give companies and candidates peace of mind that the recruitment process is in experts hands. Today, we provide contingency, retained search and project-based contract recruitment from our global hubs in London, Berlin, Switzerland, New York and Chicago.
We pride ourselves in keeping our professional network up-to-date with any changes that will shape the future of work or affect the hiring process. Visit our website to discover more invaluable insights, including exclusive research, salary guides and market trends.